6 excuses people make for not being able to lose weight

There is a common excuse people give for not trying to lose weight. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Losing weight is not easy. And there are many excuses that make it difficult to start a diet right away. You don’t have time to cook healthy food, healthy food is expensive, it’s too hot (or too hot) to exercise, etc… .

However, diet and regular exercise for weight loss do not require a lot of money or effort. We have summarized the most common excuses given by people who cannot lose weight, as introduced by American broadcaster Fox News.

Do you feel hungry when you diet?=If dieting makes you hungry, it is not a good diet or a sustainable program in the long term. A healthy way to reduce your calorie intake is to eat less overall, avoid high-calorie drinks, and stop mindless eating.

If you do this, your stomach should not growl. You need to develop the ability to distinguish whether your body really needs food or if you’re bored and just want to eat something. And eating every three to four hours can help you avoid starving and gorging, experts say. It’s also recommended to stock your refrigerator with low-calorie foods you can munch on, like celery.

Are you too busy and don’t have time?= Are you too busy with work or household chores to even think about trying a diet? Is that really true? Not like that. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for long-term success.

For example, this includes somehow making time for meals and exercise. No matter how busy or difficult it is. This is advice from Dr. Kerry Glassman, author of The O2 Diet.

When you’re hectic, it’s a good idea to try Dr. Glassman’s eating right strategy. First, set an alarm on your phone or computer. This is to prevent missing meals and overeating late.

Second, always have healthy food in your refrigerator that you can eat when you’re in a hurry. This includes frozen vegetables, etc. And always keep fruits and nuts in an easy-to-reach place. Third, no matter how busy your day is, exercise should be a priority. This will help you better manage your work and stress. Treat your exercise schedule like any other commitment.

Make a specific exercise plan, write it down, and share it with your family. Exercise experts say, “Make it clear what you are actually going to do,” and “Make it clear whether it is meeting a friend and working out together, or signing up for an exercise program.”

Healthy food is too expensive?=Of course, it may be cheaper to buy a few from McDonald’s rather than a salad with a lot of good ingredients. But studies show that eating the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables doesn’t cost as much as you might think.

It costs only $2 to $2.50 (2,756 to 3,445 won) to meet the daily vegetable and fruit intake of the ‘Diet Guidelines for Americans’ while dieting 2,000 calories a day. Experts say there are many ways to prepare and eat healthy food.

Frozen vegetables and fruits are picked when they are most ripe, so they are just as healthy as fresh ones and are less expensive. It is also advised to purchase whole, unrefined grains in bulk rather than individual packages.

No time to cook food?=If you spend 20 minutes preparing food, you can consume fewer calories compared to eating at a restaurant. This will save you time exercising to burn excess calories. Experts say, “Also, if you want to cook and eat healthy meals when you are busy, you need to plan well.”

You should get into the habit of buying frozen lean meat, putting it in the freezer, and taking it out every evening to thaw. For dinner the next day. Many studies have shown that people who cook their meals at home eat healthier and weigh less than those who do not cook their own meals.

Do you get too tired when you exercise?=No. Exercising gives you vitality. The heart beats vigorously, blood circulation becomes active, and toxins are removed.

Experts say that it increases your confidence and allows you to evaluate yourself better. Exercising wherever possible will give you strength. You can feel the same effect by just doing light stretching throughout the day.

Even if you lose weight, do you gain it back quickly?=If you have experienced the yo-yo effect while dieting in the past, it may not be easy to implement a new weight control plan again. There’s a reason your past diet plans failed. This is because it was not a sustainable diet that could be enjoyed for a lifetime.

Experts say, “Any change in your diet should be something you can stick to.” Sit in his place and carefully analyze your diet. “What foods or foods do I particularly like or what do I really don’t want to give up?”

Leave that food alone and get calories from other foods instead. For example, not putting butter on bread is an example. Experts say, “If you reduce just 200 calories a day, you can lose 9 kg a year.”

Experts say, “Know what your best diet habits are and what your weaknesses are.” If you have a habit of eating a nutritious meal in the morning, stick with it. Also, keep healthy foods around you in case you want to eat something in the afternoon.

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The article is in Korean

Tags: excuses people lose weight


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